World Junior Schools
Online Public Speaking Competition 2020
Get ready to inform, to persuade and to entertain by sharing information, telling a story, motivating people to act or encouraging others. This online competition brings young public speakers (age 6 to 12) around the world to share their stories and ideas. We welcome all young learners to take this public speaking platform to have their voices heard.
Key dates:
1) Registration Deadline March 31, 2020
2) Online Workshop April 3, 2020. 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
3) Submission April 30, 2020
4) Finals and Awards May 10, 2020
(Live Broadcast)
Competition Prompts (submit one of the prompts for each individual entry):
Level 1 Ages 6-7:
1. Informative Speech- The most amazing place in the world is…
2. Persuasive Speech- Teachers should make learning more fun
3. Entertaining Speech- The funniest thing I’ve ever heard is…
Level 2 Ages 8-9:
1. Informative Speech- When I grow up, I want to be…
2. Persuasive Speech- Adults should learn more from children
3. Entertaining Speech- If I could have any superpower, it would be…
Level 3 Ages 10-12:
1. Informative Speech- Children can change the world
2. Persuasive Speech- Children should be allowed to choose what they learn in school
3. Entertaining Speech- The best thing about being young is..
Click here to download Prompt detail and Rules and Regulation of the competition
Note and disclaimer:
Participants should observe the rules and regulations lay out by WJSDC Limited
Enquiries can be sent to or whatsapp to (+852) 6127 8922